
Colorpicker plugin for the Twitter Bootstrap toolkit. Originally written by @eyecon and maintained in Github by @mjaalnir and the community

It basically adds a color picker to a field or any other element.

  • can be used as a component
  • alpha picker
  • multiple formats: hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla

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ChangeLog from the master branch


    Attached to a field with hex format specified via options.

    Attached to a field with the rgba format specified via data tag.

    As a component.

    Using events to work with the color.

    Destroy plugin instances Create instances again

    Using bootstrap-colorpicker.js

    Call the colopicker via javascript:



    Name type default description
    format string 'hex' the color format - hex | rgb | rgba.


    Component mode

    <div class="input-group colorpicker-component my-colorpicker-control" data-color="rgb(255, 146, 180)" data-color-format="rgb" id="cp3">
        <input type="text" value="" readonly class="form-control" />
        <span class="input-group-addon"><i style="background-color: rgb(255, 146, 180)"></i></span>



    Initializes an colorpicker.


    Show the color picker


    Refreshes the widget colors (this is done automatically)


    Hide the color picker


    Updates the color picker's position relative to the element


    Destroys the colorpicker widget and unbind all .colorpicker events from the element and component

    .colorpicker('setValue', value)

    Set a new value for the color picker (also for the input or component value). Triggers 'changeColor' event.

    Color object methods

    Each triggered events have a color object used internally by the picker. This object has several usefull methods.


    Set a new color. The value is parsed and tries to do a quess on the format.


    Set the HUE with a value between 0 and 1.


    Set the saturation with a value between 0 and 1.


    Set the lightness with a value between 0 and 1.


    Set the transparency with a value between 0 and 1.


    Returns a hash with red, green, blue and alpha.


    Returns a string with HEX format for the current color.


    Returns a hash with HSLA values.


    The colopicker plugin exposes some events (with optional .colorpicker namespace)

    Event Description
    create This event fires immediately when the color picker is created.
    showPicker This event fires immediately when the color picker is displayed.
    hidePicker This event is fired immediately when the color picker is hidden.
    changeColor This event is fired when the color is changed.
    destroy This event fires immediately when the color picker is destroyed.
    $('.my-colorpicker-control').colorpicker().on('changeColor', function(ev){
      bodyStyle.backgroundColor = ev.color.toHex();